The Importance And Social Responsibility of CPR

Hello, and welcome to our blog. How important is CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Recisutaion).

The following incident below happened two years ago. Please Read on.

The efforts of two citizens helped First Responders save a life on Friday.

A First responder unit responded to a call at a Mall shortly after 8 a.m. to a report of a man collapsed on the ground unconscious, according to a press release. Upon arriving at the scene, firefighters found two people performing CPR on the man and continued infant CPR with an automatic external defibrillator (AED) before an ambulance arrived.

CPR Certification

CPR Certification

The patient’s pulse was restored on scene, according to the release, and on his way to the hospital he was breathing on his own and showed an increased level of consciousness.

Studies from the American Heart Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada have shown that survival rates for cardiac arrest patients can triple when bystander CPR is performed immediately.

Of the some 45,000 cases of cardiac arrest in Canada, however, fewer than one-third involve bystander CPR, according to the study.

The importance, and social responsibility, of learning CPR and Cpr Certification, is unpatrolled.

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